St Mary’s church builds links with St Mary’s Primary and Nursery school as part of being active in the local community. These links are designed to support the Christian ethos of the school and to explain more fully to school children what the church does.

St Mary’s Church of England Primary and Nursery School
Prayer Partners
Volunteers from St Mary’s church pray regularly for St Mary’s school children and staff. Here are our prayer partners:

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner

Prayer Partner
The Bug Hotel
Since St Mary’s church is an ‘Eco-church’, children of St Mary’s school explore an unmown part of the churchyard to see what insects they can find before making a ‘Bug Hotel’:

Canon Paul is .... KIDNAPPED...!
As part of the church’s Warm and Welcoming project raising money to modernise the church heating system, children from St Mary’s school kidnap Canon Paul and place him in a dungeon until a ransom is paid for his release. Fortunately it was not long before he was let out unharmed…