A Gospel reflection – 28 February 2021

By February 27, 2021 No Comments

A Gospel Reflection

So here we are – already at the end of February with signs of spring all around us. God’s promise from Genesis holds firm be- fore our eyes:

‘ As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat and summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’

We have all come through very difficult times over the last eleven months, and Lent itself is not an easy time as we reflect and seek to find a better future. In today’s Gospel (Mark chapter 8, verses 31 to 38) Jesus teaches that following in faith is costly in the extreme, we are to ‘lose our life’ in order to save it and that it might involve suffering (a cross). Many in recent months have had a huge cross to bear. This has meant different things for different people, but the Gospel message tells us that we can be confident that in all circumstances God’s covenant stands firm. And we are all part of that as we seek to move forward in a sense of reconciliation and peace immersing ourselves in the hope that Spring brings.

John Marsden